

Driving force of future medical and new growth industry


Deer Antler-Derived Cell Line

A+B+C+D 녹용유래세포,인간을 위한 발모조성물질 LINE 아토피 개선 치료 LINE 면역증강 개선 LINE, 동물을 위한 면역증강 LINE 기능성사료 LINE 항상제 대체제 LINE, BIO농업 종자의 질 개량 (친환경+기능성 LINE) 항상제 대체 LINE 특화특용 LINE, BIO공업 화장품 LINE 친환경 그린에너지 LINE 환경의 정화 LINE A+B+C+D 녹용유래세포,인간을 위한 발모조성물질 LINE 아토피 개선 치료 LINE 면역증강 개선 LINE, 동물을 위한 면역증강 LINE 기능성사료 LINE 항상제 대체제 LINE, BIO농업 종자의 질 개량 (친환경+기능성 LINE) 항상제 대체 LINE 특화특용 LINE, BIO공업 화장품 LINE 친환경 그린에너지 LINE 환경의 정화 LINE

Deer Antler Cell Culture Fulid (DACF)

Cellogin’s deer antler cell culture fluid (DACF) is based on the culture media of deer antler-derived cells. DACF is a liquid raw material based on stem cell and cell engineering that secreted by deer antler-derived cells during cultivation and interaction. The composition and yield of the deer antler cell culture fluid is affected by growth stage or harvesting season of the deer antler. Thus Cellogin selects healthy dear object and harvesting periods to preserve ideal antler-derived cells that can produce high quality deer antler cell culture fluid. Cellogin produces deer antler cell culture fluid with optimized cultivating techniques that maintain activities and efficacies of deer antler-derived cells. Starting from the selection of deer, to the completion of the deer antler cell culture fluid, techniques at each stage are gathered to realize Cellogin’s unique process.

품질검사(QC) 사슴선별 조직채취 세포분리 세포배양 녹용 배양 추출 필터 멸균 포장 품질검사(QC) 사슴선별 조직채취 세포분리 세포배양 녹용 배양 추출 필터 멸균 포장